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Media releases

Construction and operation of a gas-fired combined-cycle power station in France authorised

The responsible authorities have authorised the 3CA Project for the construction and operation of a gas-fired combined-cycle power station in the…

Statement on socio-economic study

Alpiq gives Dominique Gisin a unique start

This season Alpiq has once more come up with a unique campaign as part of its commitment to Swiss-Ski: The energy company is providing Swiss ski racer…

Vetrocom wind park is in operation – extension to come

Alpiq has put the Vetrocom wind park into commercial operation. The 20 wind turbines in central Bulgaria are connected to the grid and are supplying…

Handover of keys for Le Peuchapatte

Following a successful technical acceptance test, Swiss energy services provider Alpiq has started up its first wind farm in Switzerland. Since the…

Agreement reached on the planning and construction of replacement nuclear power stations

Axpo, Alpiq and BKW have agreed to join forces in further pursuing the planning and construction of two new nuclear power stations to replace nuclear…

Change in the management of the Energy Western Europe business division

Changes in the management of the Energy Western Europe business division. Division head, Antonio M. Taormina, will hand over management responsibility…

Substitution of issuer within the Alpiq Group

Alpiq submits an appeal against ElCom decree

Today Alpiq submitted an appeal against the decree by the Federal Electricity Commission (ElCom) from 11 November 2010. It is directed against the…

Alpiq engages a new Head of Corporate IT

The new Head of Alpiq Corporate IT is Norbert Hoffmann. The 50 year-old IT and management expert will take up his position on 4 January 2011. Norbert…